Mt.Vernon Bicycle Master Plan
Bicycle Master Plan Overview
Mt. Vernon is participating in developing a bicycle master plan that the Greater Egypt Regional Planning and Development Commission is facilitating on behalf of the City of Mt. Vernon and the City of Benton. The purpose of the bicycle master plan will be to guide future bicycle improvements in Mt. Vernon with short, intermediate, and long-term implementation strategies. The bicycle master plan will include an inventory of existing bicycle facilities, an analysis of existing roadways capable of accommodating bicycle facilities, and recommendations for specific infrastructure projects.
While the plan will be for the jurisdictional boundaries of Mt. Vernon, recommended bike travel corridors will consider connectivity to existing and proposed regional bike trail networks such as the Rend Lake bike trails.
The planning process started in Summer 2023 and will be completed by late Spring 2024. Community input will be an essential part of the bicycle master plan. An Advisory Committee that includes residents, organizations, and businesses will meet with the planning team two to three times during the process to provide advice and feedback. In addition, an online community wide survey and two public open houses will allow the public to help shape the plan.
Thank you for Attending Open House #2 on Thursday, feb 29th
Thank you to everyone who came to the open house to review the draft plan and provide feedback on priority projects!
If you missed the meeting and would like to view the Open House boards and maps: Click Here
Final MASTER PLAN NoW Available (May 2024)
The Bicycle Master Plan is available to download and view. The Master Plan report includes:
Community Engagement and Survey Results
Bicycle Planning Toolkit
Overall Bicycle Network Recommendations and Priority Projects
Existing Conditions and Results of Analysis
Click here to download the Master Plan document.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Master Plan process!
Recent Schedule
Summer 2023: Plan Kickoff
August 30, 2023: Stakeholder Meeting and City Council Work Session
September 9, 2023: Master Plan booth at Market Days
November 15: Advisory Committee Meeting #2
November 2023 Existing Conditions Report
Feb 29, 2024: Open House #2
May 2024: Final Bicycle Master Plan